
Daughter of Blackfire

"I always was the better fighter."

Basic Information

Name: Kaliand'r
Nickname: You can call me Kal or Kali, I guess.
Alias: Redfire
Age: 18
Birthday: February 19
Zodiac Sign: Pieces
Place of Birth: Tamaran
Ethnicity: Tamaranean. But by human standards I'm "white", I guess.
Gender: I'm a girl. Cis one too.
Pronouns: She/Her


Likes: Red, music, being alone, space, and flying.
Dislikes: Annoying people, nosey people, self-righteous people, fake people, and the Teen Titans.
Flaws: I don't have any. (Short tempered, arrogant, holds grudges, apathetic, and selfish.)
Fears/Phobias: Nope. (Her mom not loving her, failure, losing her powers, and clowns.)
Mental Health: I'm fucking fine. (Anger issues and a fair amount of trauma symptoms)General Personality: Better than yours.
(Kaliand'r is rude and crude with a bad attitude. She doesn't care about other people at all, with the exception of a select group of friends. All she cares about is herself and being the best. She doesn't exactly put effort into being the best, though, she just "knows" that she already is. She gets annoyed easily and being annoyed pisses her off, which usually makes her get mean. Normally she'd also shoot energy blasts, but that's disabled at school. She has a few interests, mostly music and world domination, and she doesn't give a shit about much else.)


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 155 lbs
Body Type: Ectomorph.
Hair: It's pretty long, and it's bright red. Cool, right?
Eyes: Dark green. Pretty angular.
Tattoos: None yet.
Piercings: I've got a couple in my ears.
Scars/Birthmarks: I have some scars from when I was a kid but nothing special.
Faceclaim: @jessiebergg


Parents: Komand'r, aka Blackfire, is my mom. My dad was some guard that she killed after they fucked.
Siblings: No.
Other Family Members: My aunt Koriand'r, aka Starfire, and my uncle Ryand'r, aka Wildfire, are alive. My grandparents, Myand'r and Luand'r, are dead. But my adoptive grandfather, Galfore is alive.
Best Friends: The other Rogues: Aleksandr and Copperhead.
Friends: Genevieve Rosenblatt and the rest of the Embers.
Enemies: Starfire and the Teen Titans.
Other: Tamani and I hook up a lot. I also fucked Copper once, but she's far too bitey.
Pets: Nah, I'd probably kill it.Sexuality: Bisexual
Romanticism: Biromantic
Status: Single


Role: Supervillain
Grade: Junior
Years Here: This one's my third.
GPA: 3.3Schedule:
A Period: Advanced Villain History
B Period: Physics
C Period: Sign Language
D Period: Algebra I
E Period: Galactic Governments
F Period: Literature
G Period: Close and Ranged Combat
Clubs: Absolutely not.
Sports: Just gymnastics.
Clique: The Rogues
Crews: No fucking way
Dorm: 109 C with Copperhead IV, Florence Willis, and Yuriseiya OyamaPopularity Rank: I don't know, like, fuckin', 8/10?


Strengths: I have enhanced durability, strength, agility, and reflexes. And I have tons of training from my mom.
Weaknesses: Mom told me my weaknesses every time I messed up. I'm not the quickest thinker, I get tunnel vision, I overestimate myself, and I'm shit in a team. Also if I get too emotional, I can lose control of my powers.
Weapons: I know how to use a bunch of shit, but I've got my powers, I don't really need anything else.
Rating: 2/10
Hand to Hand: Mama didn't raise no bitch. I can kick fucking ass in martial arts and street fighting.
Rating: 8/10
Powers: Tamaraneans have the best superpowers ever, dude.Interstellar flight - I can fly in any and all atmospheric conditions.Energy projection (Removed) - I can manipulate energy to shoot blasts from my hands and beams from my eyes, plus I can send off a burst of energy waves, and create shields.Enhanced Physiology - Being an alien, I have superhuman strength, durability, agility, and reflexes. Also I don't need air to breathe, I age slowly and live longer than humans, I have accelerated healing, and I'm immune to radiation and extreme temperatures.Language Assimilation - If I kiss someone, I can immediately learn all languages they speak. Doesn't work for sign languages, though.


Shut the fuck up, that shit's private.God, fine. Ok so, as you may know, Komand’r, aka Blackfire, was beaten by the Teen Titans. More than once. The latest time, Auntie Kori dumped her in a prison on Tamaran since they’d be better at holding her than any human prisons would be. She’d been in there for a year when she had an idea. She’d seduce a guard and get pregnant, then kill him after to cover her tracks. Obviously it worked, since I’m here.She hid her pregnancy the whole time, so when she went into labor they panicked and brought her to the hospital. Once I was fully out, she made her move. Killed her transport guards and booked it.She wrapped me up in a blanket and flew until she could reach a planet that didn't recognize her. Once she did, she settled us down and made our home there. She raised me to be just like her, trained me and taught me everything she knew. Honestly, I don't think she viewed me as her child as much as her greatest weapon, but she liked me well enough. She didn't hit me or anything, just yelled at me when I fucked up in training and shit. I kinda feel more like her little sister than her daughter, but I still love her. Or I did, anyway.When I was thirteen, my aunt found us. She and the Titans had been looking for us since Mom escaped, and she had no intention of letting us stay together. Mom and I fought her, but we were too evenly matched. Eventually, we just called a cease fire. They agreed, without fucking asking me, that Mom could stay out of prison if I went to Töpffer Academy to have an eye kept on me. Joke's on Kori, though, because this is where I found the Rogues. We've got big plans. I'm gonna be way better than the mother who used me as a bargaining chip.